How To Get In Touch

🖂 The Good Physio, 34 Denmark Road, Exeter EX1 1SE


01392 982 198


We would love to hear from you

Make a booking or request a complimentary telephone appointment so that you can be sure you are coming to the right place for you.

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What is the best type of appointment for you right now?

‘Face to face’ as normal

We are open for normal face to face appointments. Our own experience as well as overwhelming patient feedback is that this is likely to result in better treatment outcomes. If you want to wear PPE or would prefer staff to wear PPE during the consultation we are happy to do this to ensure you feel safe and comfortable.

‘Virtual’ consultations

We do understand why some patients are still not totally comfortable coming to the clinic and we are continuing to deliver virtual consultations. For some, such as those who are being advised to minimise contact with others due to underlying ill-health, this may be a good option for you.